启迪禾美首席科学家、诺奖得主michael levitt研究结论:疫情将很快结束 -华体育会app(中国)官方网站

启迪禾美首席科学家、诺奖得主michael levitt研究结论:疫情将很快结束


2月2日,启迪禾美首席科学家,硅谷诺贝尔奖获得者、计算机大师迈克尔·莱维特michael levitt就新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情进行了专业分析,并发表了肯定的研究结论:疫情将很快结束!

迈克尔·莱维特michael levitt分析报告




迈克尔·莱维特 michael levitt


生物物理学家,美国斯坦福大学结构生物学教授。1947年5月9日出生于南非,毕业于伦敦大学国王学院(bsc,1967)和剑桥大学冈维尔与凯斯学院(phd,1971)。美国斯坦福医学院癌症研究所robert w.及vivian k. cahill冠名教授。2013年诺贝尔奖化学奖得主。获奖理由为为复杂的化学系统发展了多尺度模型。2017年10月25日,受聘为西北工业大学名誉教授。谷歌公司联合创始人谢尔盖·布林是迈克尔·莱维特教授的学生。


迈克尔·莱维特michael levitt向启迪禾美ceo陆益女士致信如下:

dear chinese people,

for a few days now, i've been wandering the streets of tel aviv imagining you in all the places i've been living with you in china since 2007. 

but nothing today seems to be like yesterday.  the streets in your cities are deserted, the museums and galleries are locked closed, the malls are empty, the trains are hollow.  clinics are filled with anxiety; hospitals in wuhan are densely packed in horror.

new year's holiday and the long-awaited family vacation anticipated all year have become a home curfew and a dejected despair that longs for the medicine, the pigeon that signals the fall in water level and that the end of the plague is approaching.

western media broadcast what is happening to you from a selfishly focused perspective: how to limit the outbreak of illness outside your borders.  how narrow and sad that they never stop the sequence of programs to go beyond the routine, to give you a voice and to send you words of encouragement and solidarity.

it is important to tell you: we look after your health, ask for your peace and support you from anywhere in the world!

as one would appeal to friends in distress, please tell us how can we help you.

be strong and courageous!

with friendship and hope.

shoshan and michael levitt

关于启迪禾美:以源自细胞科学的多肽生物技术为指引,启迪禾美生物科技有限公司应运而生,公司核心技术团队均来自于清华大学。凝聚启迪控股全球科技资源和国际顶级研究机构的技术力量,公司致力于打造集多肽功能性护肤品,身体护理品以及多肽药物的研发、生产及销售为一体的全产业链布局 ,服务于全球的医药、化妆品公司及终端用户,引领多肽生物抗衰科技新趋势。


迈克尔·莱维特michael levitt在启迪禾美产品发布会上

